Shorts: Forever 21; T-Shirt: Forever 21 (similar); Hat: Forever 21; Shoes: Aldo (similar); Bag: BCBG (similar)
With the season of heat waves well upon us, summer can be sort of a naked season. Now I love wearing dresses as much as the next girl, but I have a bone to pick with denim shorts. No matter what pop culture and the likes of Kim Kardashian have led you to believe, it is in no way acceptable for a woman’s behind to be exposed in public. It appalls me when women walk around in denim shorts with their nether regions out and about while running errands. In no way am I suggesting you confine yourself to pants all summer, all I’m saying is know your audience. A bikini on the beach: great. Cutoffs so short that your hoo-ha is hanging out for the world to see: obscene.
In that same breath, there is no denying that shorts are a summer staple. So I’d like to propose a solution, dare I say liberate you from the fear of accidentally (or intentionally) giving the person behind you a peep show? Two words: size up. Oversized denim shorts are flattering, make your legs look longer, and even leave a little wiggle room if you too, have a certain dimple in your thigh and friction in your step. So ladies, embrace the heat and the season of partial nudity, and wear your oversized jorts with pride.