

Shorts: Forever 21 (similar); T-shirt: H&M (similar); Vest: Topshop (similar); Shoes: Steve Madden (similar)

I’d like to start this blog post with a confession. I like Taylor Swift. Bam, it’s out there. Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate. Apart from her music, which by the way is freaking fantastic, girl’s got gams. Her legs run the length of the Nile and frankly speaking, if I were her, I would retire pants altogether. But alas, I am not the human gazelle of whom I speak. My thighs mean business and I may have the slightest hint of cankle. That doesn’t mean I don’t work out or love my body, it’s just that certain types of shorts don’t suit me regardless of how many hours I spend at the gym. And that’s okay.

I previously had a fear of denim shorts, but after having discovered the magic of sizing up, denim shorts are my new bffl. So I present you with another look in these high-waisted, oversized beauties which are suitable for all body types. If you, like me, have come to terms with the fact that your love for brownies far exceeds your fear of cellulite, pair your shorts and t-shirt look with a long vest. This vest has also become my new best friend, and no, contrary to what it may seem, clothes are not my only friends. Not only does it hide any imperfections on the back, it also makes your outfit more chic. Ta-da, problem(s) solved.

Now, who wants a brownie? Just kidding… but not really.

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Let’s Be Friends