Dress: Aritzia (similar here and here); Jacket: Oak & Fort (similar here and here); Shoes: Vagabond (similar here and here)
Fears are a part of life, we all have them, but I think the most dangerous fear of all is the fear of failure. I say that because it’s more often than not, it is the fear of failure that holds us back from accepting challenges. I’m not someone who likes losing, in fact, I like to think of Monica Gellar as my spirit animal because of how totally not chill I am when I lose.
One of the biggest mistakes I made due to my fear of failing was not starting my blog sooner. I’d wanted to start a blog ever since my second year of college, but didn’t until much later because I was too scared of peoples’ perception of me. Looking back at it, I realize what a stupid decision that was, because if I’d followed my gut and started my blog sooner, I’d be so much farther along my career by now! As I’ve grown older, I’ve made it a point to face my fear of failure head on and rise to face challenges.
It wasn’t until a few days ago that I realized that I had been shying away from doing the smallest thing for fear of failing – starting a Facebook page for my blog. So stupid, right? I knew it was something I should be doing, but had been putting it off thinking I wouldn’t be able to keep up with it and worrying about people not liking it. So two days ago, I made the decision of tackling the problem head on and launching a page.
While this issue is so tiny when I think of the bigger picture, it’s an example of dealing with the suffocating fear of failure. No matter how big or small your challenge, I hope that you guys can also rise up to it without fear.
Your posts and outfits are always inspiring and I am glad you started blogging 🙂 Fear is crazy it can control us in a positive or a negative way, but the moment you realise that WE are the only ones that put fear into our minds, not others, then we realise that WE are the only ones who can choose to ignore it 🙂 xx
Fear holds us back from being great and achieving big things. The fear of failure is the worst because we all have it but sometimes we need to ignore it and trust in the process. You look so chi Siffat!
I knew years before starting The Fashion Folks that I wanted to do a fashion site, but it took me so long to just get started and now I’m also somewhat annoyed that I could be 3-4 years ahead! But we’ll get there eventually! Xx
I hear ya sista! And yay for the Facebook page! Now we both have the contact button on our instagrams! ha
I have a fear of death of my close people, literally killing me at nights
Yukova blog
LOVE this post Siffat, and much needed words of wisdom for me – fear has held me back from a major goal of mine, and it’s so silly! I love this outfit as well, as always! xo
Love the jacket!
You very good with this colors )
Good combination )
Love your coat and bag babe!
Kisses, Raysa
I truly appreciate that you shared your fears. I’m still glad though that you started blogging. For me, acknowledging your fears is already a huge step. You look fab btw. Thanks for sharing babe. xx
This is so beautiful! You look gorgeous!
xo- Gem+Elli
Insta @gem.and.elli
I feel exactly the same way. I WISH I started my blog back in Uni…. I was traveling more back then and my life was waaaaay more interesting haha. At least you started it… your blog and your social media outlets are amazing, your making so many people happy
Filipa xxx
PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram
I love that trench it’s perfect! xo, Sophia from http://www.sistersandglitters.com
I am seriously falling in love with your blazer!!!! The cut the length and the colour are all so perfect!
xo Margaret
http://www.maleemaleehong.com | http://www.facebook.com/maleemaleehong
The things you say are always so relatable and true. For me, it’s also the fear of failure that holds me back not fear of actually doing something. Probably because I have this vision in mind of what I hope for it to be, and I fear that it won’t come true. But that won’t ever help solve anything.
On another note, I really like your outfit! The dress and coat combo looks really good
~Andrea Tiffany~
You look beautiful and this outfit is stunning! First I was also afraid of what people might think about me because of blogging, but I’m so happy that I decided to start it. Doing things out of your comfort zone is always a little scary, but it’s worth taking a risk 🙂 Have a wonderful day!
xo, Esther
You look beautiful and this outfit is stunning! First I was also afraid of what people might think about me because of blogging, but I’m so happy that I decided to start it. Doing things out of your comfort zone is always a little scary, but it’s worth taking a risk 🙂 Have a wonderful day!
xo, Esther
Totally love this color combination, it looks really classy! You look lovely as always. 🙂 Hope to hear from you soon! x
Love, Airish
Gorgeous Glance
Good for you for trying to get past your fears. I love this sophisticated look. That coat is amazing!
Your posts are so inspiring, Siffat! I can totally relate to them. Fear of failure stops us from doing the things that can move us forward and achieve our goals. I’m so glad you got past your fears and launched your page! <3
Loving this look on you. You look so chic and sophisticated! <3
Love your blog, your style is so fresh and I got so much inspirations from your posts, I really love it!
Would you like to follow each other? Follow me on Blog and Google+ and I’ll follow you back!
Love, Laura xx
Great combination of dress and beige coat, love it.
P.S Would you like to follow me back?
Blog: http://www.glaringwaves.blogspot.ba
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/glaringwaves
We get scared of the little things, taking a little step towards the fear would change everything! I was the same with starting my blog, I wanted it for so long, however I wasn’t sure how it would be or if people would even read it. I wish I had started it earlier… but then better late than never! x
Ela BellaWorld
This is so inspiring! I love the post:)
you know i totally feel you on this, and i love you always talk about such important subjects, you’re so inspiring babe!! but we can’t live with regrets, and all we can really do is to make sure we don’t wait so long next time, glad you started the FB page!! and as always, i adore this look, perfect fall colors, that trench is the coolest!
xx Melis
You look lovely and love your jacket!
xo Yvonne
Your coat it’s EVERYTHING! love your style <3
You look so chic and classic! Great look <3
great look as always!
You just got one more like from me! Honestly, fear stops us from doing some very stupid things, so I think we should appreciate our human nature along with all its flaws. Your outfit is gorg by the way!
Xx, Lora | http://www.cherrycolastyle.com
So beautiful, I love your coat!
So glad you took a step out and made a FB page. Trying new things can be scary, but it grows us SO much 🙂 Have a great weekend <3
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com
A friend once told me that we have to chase our dreams, not our fear, and that always stuck with me as being very motivating!
Chow Down USA
You and I had the same fear! I wish I had started mine 3-4 years ago when I was first considering it! But I definitely was scared of putting myself out there and not seeing success. So glad we both decided to dive in!
Such a good post + great, relatable thoughts! You are so genuine, Siffat!
And I’m obsessed with that camel color of the jacket and the contrast of the black and gold. So dynamic.
-Kate // http://www.classyandkate.com
You go for it girl! Love the black and tan combo.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
I like this elegant look with the trench!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Great post! I totally agree that the fear of failure is so dangerous – and so hard to overcome. I think it has stopped me doing so many things. Your posts always motivate and inspire me!
I also love this trench!!
Julia x
love the camel colored coat!
Life is just Rosie
Nice dress
Romina | http://www.blaastyle.com
Love the way the coat and the bag match! Top look!
El outfit es ideal, me encanta!! https://bohoclosetblog.com/2016/08/25/cosmetica-coreana-sorteo-video/
awesome post! i hope you’re having a lovely day 🙂
Fear is a mudda for sure!! The things fear has held me back from pursuing are uncountable, but not anymore. The God I serve is bigger than fear. You look simply gorg, Siffat. 🙂
I also put off starting a blog and then a YouTube out of fear, but better late than never. You look gorgeous and I like the Friends reference.
I love this post! I totally understand how you feel/felt. I wanted to start my blog when I graduated college, but it took me two years after to really have the guts to start it! Now looking back, I wish I had just done it and not cared about other peoples perception. I also need to get on my Facebook page as well, thanks for reminding me!
Have a fab weekend girl!
Xo, Samira
Girl you and me both. One little thing can snowball into a greater feeling of hopelessness or anxiety. Fear keeps us from living our best lives. Glad you started your FB page! One step closer to your success 🙂
xx Yasmin
It really is so important to go after those blogging milestones develop as much ambivalence to outside perception as you can. Easier said than done of course, but it definitely serves all of us well in life when we can become so solely focused on our goals that the naysayers just disappear from view.
Great outfit and uplifting words, I was the same as you with the blog, I wish I would have started years ago but it was the fear that held me back. Gemma x
Ahhh i really love your outfit, you look amazing! You nailed it again. Yay! 🙂
April of: https://beybiapril.wordpress.com/
Loved this post! Perfect look! Have a nice weekend!
Great post dear!
I can totally relate to how you feel about the fear of failure. This is such a gorgeous look. I love the black and tan combo.
Very inspiring post! Fear can really paralyze us and prevent us from doing and being so much. We just have to be strong and try our hardest to get past it and get over it. I was the same with my blog and FB page and all social media for that matter. I love that trench! x
Ann-Marie | http://facetocurls.com
I was the opposite of you. I started my blog way early, but only started taking it more seriously about a year ago. I lost so much time! Glad you’ve found your happy place now. Love this look too!
I totally agree with you; fear of failure is the worst. Sometimes it just stops us from being who we are and makes us take the wrong road. Anyway, you look beautiful as always and I am in love with this simple, yet stylish outfit! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and have a great Sunday:)
I absolutely adore your outfit!!!
Much love, Hadasah
This look is perfect! <3
Love your outfit. That coat is perfect!
Rita | http://www.styleroundtheclock.com
Such a soft and gorgeous hue on you! Beautiful!
xoxo, Christina
Stray Birds and Lavender
You are seriously one of the more chic bloggers I follow. I always adore your outfits. You make every outfit look effortless.
xo, Christina
I love your look, you look so pretty!
Great post!
First of all, I love this sleek minimal look! It’s perfection! As for the for, I am totally getting you (still don’t have a fb page too, thinking the same as you did). You really inspired me to go ahead and create mine! I will send you an invite! Thank you so much Siffat!
PS: 1 like from me 🙂
You are seriously one stylish babe. So chic as always