Dress: Bare Anthology; Hat: H&M (similar here and here); Shoes: Nomadic State Of Mind; Earrings: Baublebar
The other day, I was chatting with my friend and fellow blogger Marlie for a special project (more details soon), when we stumbled on the topic of the beginning stages of our blogs. As she conveyed her initial feelings of embarrassment, my jaw dropped, because I too had felt the exact same things.
My blog was a seedling of an idea in 2013. I just wanted a space to put down my thoughts because I had a lot of them. I had just graduated from university without an inkling of an idea about what to do with my life. What I did know was that I did not want to pursue a career in Sociology or Political Science. I realized that I wanted a creative career and had no idea where to begin.
When I started my blog, I remember it being a clandestine hobby that I worked on. I was too ashamed to tell anyone about it out of fear of seeming narcissistic. I mean after all, who would want to read my words? Why was I putting my thoughts out there on the internet? Who did I think I was? Truth is, I didn’t start my blog because I thought of myself as some sort of authority. I started it because I enjoyed writing, fashion, food and a plethora of other things and needed a creative outlet.
At first, I told only my closest friends about my blog. I didn’t even tell my parents, thinking I’d save them the pain of feeling like their daughter was a complete airhead. Thankfully when I did tell them, they became my biggest supporters, and now I find them explaining to their friends what I do.
But I digress. Eventually I remember thinking that there was no reason to feel ashamed. That I was either going to do it whole-heartedly or not at all. And since blogging was something that brought me joy, I was going to continue full steam ahead, and deal with the fact that some people would consider me an airhead. It was only then that things started working for me. Of course there will be naysayers, but that’s just life.
The funny thing is, if I had truly committed to my idea when I initially had it, I think I would have been farther along in my career. But I was too busy worrying about other peoples’ opinions to believe in myself. So if you have an idea, just commit to it and do it. It doesn’t matter what other people think. You know what they say, smile and the world smiles with you. It’s kinda like that – bet on yourself and everyone else will follow.
Photography by Erin Leydon
This was inspiring. I think we all do care about how others view us, and blogging is one of those things that no one would really have heard of that much. And for me I go to highschool, and literally no one else has a blog but me, so I am open about it but I don’t announce it to the whole world. I just think people would think it’s weird because it’s not the norm.
Cannot agree with you more babe, you have a very successful blog so either way the timing was right 😉 xx
Such a stunning dress! Love the floral print 🙂
Enclothed Cognition
Thank you for this post, your words mean a lot to me. I’m struggling with the idea of telling people about my blog because I’m scared of judgement, rejection, pretty much all of it. But it makes me happy and I believe that it’s my way to express myself creatively. So you’re right. We should absolutely bet on ourselves, no matter how hard that may be at first.
White Silk, Black Leather
This post is amazing!
It is exactly the way I have been feeling and still am feeling sometimes!
I as you wished I could have been more confident at the time!
But you are so great! I love following you!
Such an inspiration!
Really loved this post Siffat. I started my blog at a really young age and I was so embarrassed about telling others about it. I was still in high school and you know how mean kids can be. But you’re right! There’ll always be naysayers, just do what you want to do. Thanks for this reminder. xx
Coco Bella Blog
Beautiful post and beautiful pictures 🙂
Love, Lindsey
Thank you for your words of wisdom! I’ve had my blog for about two years, and I just started to become serious about it. I didn’t think much would come of it when I started, and like you it was just to explore my interests, so I hope to grow as successful as you!
Natalie | Natalie’s Alchemy
Love this post!! Very inspiring!
Adi xx
Great post and I can relate to your words. When I first started my blog I had the same hesitations and told only three people who I felt would be supportive. Now I proudly tell people about even if they do not quite understand what I do or how it works. I also agree with your message about betting on yourself because no matter what happens at least you followed your dreams and gave it a try.
I think many of us went or are still going through the what I call ‘social embarrassment’
I learned that maturity helps A LOT in not caring about what people think and being proud of having a blog instead. Maturity and complete self acceptance have brought me here 😀
Nice post Siffat!
I definitely felt the same way and I was especially nervous to tell my parents. Luckily, like yours, they were so supportive and thought this whole concept is a great idea! Without a doubt, we gotta learn to own it.
Couldn’t agree more with everything you just wrote. The amount of times I started a blog and deleted it after a few weeks is slightly embarassing, out I was so worried on how I would be perceived that I disposed on something that made me happy. Now when I tell people about my blog I’m honest and let them know that I just love content creating and that’s what brings me joy.
In summary, this post is extremely relatable and your outfit is beautiful! X
Imogen, http://www.faux-silk.com
Great relatable post. Lovely dress too.
Kara Aragon
Love this outfit, so summery and flowy! The dress looks so pretty on you 🙂
Love this post! I’m just starting out (after thinking about doing it for years haha) & this post is super encouraging. thank you xx
Okay, so this has got to be one of my most favorite outfits of yours! I love everything about this outfit, everything looks perfectly styled and works so well together; I need those sandals in my life! I agree, we’re often our own hindrances in progress and it’s often a result of caring too much about what others think and more times than none, people aren’t even the least bit concerned or don’t have the thoughts we assumed they had to begin with! Thanks for sharing, babe, and I hope you have a great day!
Love this dress babe! x
i love reading the content in your posts – I’m not just here to look at the pictures (although I still love that boater’s hat on you, and the wrap dress is so pretty)
When I first started blogging, I was the same. I was embarrassing about putting myself out there…but the more I did it, the more I was comfortable and realized I was in my element.
Great post…as usual.
hey dear, you are inspired me lot, plz share who clicked your pictures.. more about your blogging exp, how to pitch a brand and all realted blogs
I’m currently feeling the same with my Youtube channel. I feel with video you put yourself more out there and it feels a little more personal. It’s definitely awkward but I’m slowly getting out of this phase.
Tamara – LoveofMode.com
Love love love this beautiful message. It’s so true – we should all follow our gut and instinct more often and bet on ourselves!
Also – that dress + hat combo is STUNNING!!!! So flowy and ethereal.
xx, Amy
such a great post! and i love the dress too *heart eyes*
That dress is absolutely stunning! Love the print and how you styled it babe!
xo Tina
IG: @tinasweetheart
What a lovely and summery dress <3 I love it <3
You’re so so right about all of this! I’ve been trying to write a post like this for a long time; it’s so important to turn ‘yeah… I run a blog” to “hell yeah, this is my awesome blog.”
🍉 Pia
I adore this post. Not only do you look stunning, but also you are so right… sometimes you have to have faith in yourself
Filipa xxx
PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram
Oh I kept mine a secret from a lot of my friends and family for a long time (I started back in 2008). It’s funny because when most of them found out, they loved it! I feel so silly for being embarrassed about it now!
District of Chic
You look so pretty. I love your dress.
I totally feel your initial feelings. I feel so embarrassed when someone who is close to me, read my words and thoughts. I feel so vulnerable. I am trying to get over it, but I still feel this anxious feeling from time to time.
You look beautiful! This dress suits you so well. I totally agree. I wonder why it is so common that we all doubt ourself and feel that embarrassment?
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
I love this post. If it makes you happy, go for it, pursue it! It’s a great decision to open up a blog and express yourself to everyone. Not everyone may like you but you know deep down that you’re just being you. 🙂 Btw, I like the whole look! Love the dress and sandals <3
I can complete relate to this post. Isn’t it crazy how far the blogging industry has come? It’s still funny explaining to some people the business of blogging. Its so amazing to be apart of industry at this time, and see how quickly its growing. Very exciting.
Love this boater hat. Hope you’re having a great summer!
These photos are so BEAUTIFUL! Love all your looks doll. What a cute dress!
Have a fabulous weekend ahead!
Much love, Len
Such a cute look – love the hat btw ♥
And yes, I think I had almost the same thoughts when I started, first I didn’t want to share my blog with a lot of people. But now I see that I’m getting more and more proud and love to talk about it 🙂
xxx and happy weekend,
Your style is everything ! Really lovely dress 🙂
This article reminds me myself at the beginnings, I had lots of blogs before, but now I realize I should work on my blog because I want it. I also share it with my family and other friends and people who follow me on social media, this was my huge step forward because I was ashamed too, thinking of that I am not person who should shout out that have the blog, but why not if I enjoy it and it’s my hobby, when I want to share cool things whit others 🙂
You’re such a babe in this outfit, love it!! And I totally feel you girl, it’s hard and scary to take a risk, even when you feel so passionate about it in your heart. Thanks for the inspiring words!
XO, Jessi
Love this post! A lot of what you said such as feeling embarrased and getting judged is exactly what I think of right now! I loveeee blogging and have slowly started to come out of my shell and do more things out of my comfort zone! x
Couldn’t agree more. We can’t please everybody, sounds cliche but couldnt be more applicable when it comes to blogging. At the end of the day, we do things that makes us happy.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
For me the most difficult part was to get started, not knowing if I would be able to come up with content people would like to read, but once I decided to take the plunge and overcome my insecurities, I knew the moment would come to share it with the outer world, as it’s clear that if you don’t believe in you and don’t market yourself well, you will be drowned in a sea of blogs. I love to read about my favourite bloggers’ beginnings tho, it makes it so relatable and also inspiring to see how far one can get when they bet on themselves! Adore your outfit as well, bien sur!
Much love, dear Siffat
Saida | She talks Glam
I’ve related so much to your words. When i first started my blog, back in september, i was kind of ashamed to tell anyone. But my boyfriend was my biggest supporter and he told me something like this “if you want this to be you career you have to embrace it with all your soul and forget what people will say about it”. I mean, since i started doing that i feel people like my work. Off course, there are people who thinks that i’m a foolish airhead who just take pics, but after all they have no idea what blogging is about.
Still, i’m not a full time blogger yet, but i wish i can take that step soon. I’m working so hard to achieve it.
Thank you for always inspiring us with your words and outfits. You’re one of the bloggers i admire the most.
Have a great week.