If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I recently turned 26. I’m not sure why, but 26 felt like a big one. Although I was assured by my friends that 26 is considered mid-twenties, it still feels scarily close to 30. Instead of bumming hard and searching my face for wrinkles, I decided that I would make this my best year yet. This, of course, meant a prolonged birthday celebration that lasted a whole week (this picture was just shot during my birthday trip in Tulum). But it also meant listing down my goals for this year, something that’s become a birthday tradition of sorts. I also thought that it would be a good time to share with you guys the 26 things I’ve learned at 26:
- Your mom is usually right. Even when she makes no sense at the time. Even when you hate her. You will always look back and realize that she is wise.
- Hustle takes you further than talent.
- Real love is giving without the expectation of receiving anything in return.
- Learning to say no is powerful.
- You have the power to filter what you expose yourself to. If it’s positive, it will lead to a more positive outlook on life.
- Always be true to yourself. If people don’t like you, they are not deserving of you.
- You will always be loved by your family, but not necessarily liked. Make them a priority if you want to build a solid relationship.
- Treat your body with love and respect – that means work out, eat clean, but also treat yourself. It’s all about balance.
- If nothing else, be kind. It takes literally no effort.
- Cut out negative people.
- Always be honest. You’re a terrible liar anyway.
- You will never regret buying a flight ticket. But you may regret buying a dress, so always choose experiences over material things.
- Read, read, and read some more.
- Don’t hold grudges, it’s exhausting.
- Clean out your closet every season. If you’ve not worn something in 6 months, chances are, you’re not going to wear it again.
- Before you speak, listen to Gabby Bernstein’s wise words and ask yourself the following W.A.I.T. – Why am I talking? It’ll help you become a better listener. A quality that is equal parts rare and valuable.
- Only ever take on work that you are passionate about.
- Never undersell yourself. Know your worth.
- Wear SPF on your face, never forget to take off your makeup before bed, and don’t forget the importance of eye cream.
- Trust your instincts and never be afraid of ‘what if’.
- You can’t take back your words, so measure them carefully.
- In every step of your life, there will be people that don’t believe in you. Don’t let them dull your sparkle. Believe in yourself and you will be able to achieve anything you set your mind to.
- When you’re upset, take a step back, breathe, and watch an episode of Friends before making an emotionally impulsive decision.
- Never take the people in your life for granted, always tell them how much you love and appreciate them.
- Giving charity to those in need will never make you poorer.
- Never try to fit a mould. You are you, and that is enough.
Wish you would have been there when I turned 26!
These points would have helped me a lot!
You are such an inspiration Sif!
Thank you, my love! And right back at you, you inspire me everyday 🙂
I agree with all of these things, these are very helpful points.
Such wise words babe! You have learnt a lot in your 26 years! Totally agree with all of your points, some really great life lessons here!
x Emily
26 is so young!!! Haha, do not think about turning 30 at all, cause believe me it is not even an issue. Don’t worry about it, you don’t get that time you wasted worrying back! Enjoy Tulum! It’s been looking amazing on your Insta stories! I HAVE to go one day!! Loved all of your lessons too by the way. 🙂
xx Jenelle
Oh! I loved this. Definitely going to take your words of advice on building a solid relationship with the family. Also, I loved to see that you de-stress yourself with an episode of Friends.
Natalie | Natalie’s Alchemy
Such a great Blogpost and so well written! Wise words, I definitely have to keep them in mind. And also, happy belated birthday!!
Best wishes,
I love this photo! And yes to SPF and cutting out negative people!
District of Chic
Beautifully written! I completely agree with all the points that you’ve made – especially the one about cutting negative people out of your life. I may have a smaller group of friends now, however I never once feel negatively influenced around them.
Lovely post xx
Imogen, http://www.faux-silk.com
Wise words for a 26 year old indeed! Specially like the first one! Lol! 😉
Wise words learned from a wise mom 😉
Love this post babe! Especially number 4, that’s certainly something I’m really learning at this point in my life too. 26 is a nice milestone, many more to come beauty!
Ashleigh x
I love this SIf!!! hahaha mom is always right!! of course!! Happy b-lated bday my love. Cant wait to see you in November.
Oh happy belated birthday gorgeous!! So many great things you’ve listed. Definitely that hard work will take your further than talent. Think how different the world would look like if more talents within different areas invested their time and work too. How many problems that could’ve been solved and other artists/movie stars! Xx
Love this post girlfriend! I wish that I was so wise at 26!
Haha number 11 is definitely me! lol happy 36 and I hope you’re enjoying Tulum!
Tamara – LoveofMode.com
Next mont I’m turning 25 and I can’t believe I’m close to 30! As you said, it’s scary! You learned many great things!
lol – your 30’s are NOTHING to fear. Embrace getting older because if I could repeat my 20’s I wouldn’t. My 30’s have been amazing, and you won’t turn 30 and suddenly have grey hair and wrinkles hahaha it just doesn’t work that way.
All of the things you discussed about turning 26 are great…but to put things into perspective, you are SO MUCH younger than you think. You have SO MUCH time to do and accomplish many things. Enjoy the rest of your twenties – you have quite a few more years of them left 🙂
Happy Birthday dolly
Preach!! Love this list girl, couldn’t have said it better myself (and Happy belated birthday babe <3 <3!!)
XO, Jessi
great post
and i learn every time i came here.. thanks for sharing
Happy belated birthday lady. I hope you had a great day, and are enjoying your trip!! Looks like heaven.
Lots of truths here – learning to say no is powerful!
Gosh you’ve learned way more things than I have at 26!
Very relatable post. Great share!
I loved this post, Siffat!So many wise words and great advice! I had never head the W.A.I. T one before, but I’m going to adopt it!
Julia x
PS As a Mum of a 25 year old daughter, I love the first one!
Your post made me smile. My mom commented on my post and was very happy about the first one too, lol!
What a lovely piece to read. I most definitely agree, especially on #20. You’re right, it’s time to free yourself from the shackles of doubt. Also, your shoes look adorable!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Happy birthday, dear! You’ve learned a lot by this age and it seems like you know where you are going. And this is priceless!
xo Corina
Happy belated birthday, sweet girl! You’re wise beyond your years and are such an awesome blogger! Wishing you a wonderful, beautiful, happy 26th year of life <3
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.com
Beautiful post! You sound so wise. I agreed with everything, especially how my mom is always right (even when I hate her for it) and never to undersell yourself!
Simply Lovebirds