Shorts: Verge Girl (similar here and here); Blazer: Chriselle x J.O.A.; Sandals: Zara (similar here and here); Hat: Zara (similar)
Over the last few years, blogging has evolved from a creative outlet to a full-blown industry. And of course, a direct result of that is a lot of people seeing it as a potential career for themselves. However, the blogosphere can be a really confusing and murky place. I remember not having any resources to guide me when I first started. In a way it was great because every mistake was a learning lesson which I can now pass on to you guys. Since I regularly get messages about blogging from beginners, I want to focus on mistakes that new bloggers often make.
1. Saying ‘yes’ to everything
I’m not saying that you don’t have to work hard to earn your place in the industry. No, you won’t start making money right away (and that shouldn’t really be your main motivator anyway). But, I think a problem that new bloggers have is that they’re so keen to please brands that they bend over backwards and take on partnerships that aren’t authentic. Guys, I’ve been guilty of doing this myself when I was starting out. Because there was no one there to tell me not to partner with a Skinny Tea brand or a clothing company that was made from cheap material. Identify your brand, who your target audience is, what feels authentic to you, and take on partnerships accordingly.
2. Focusing on what everyone else is doing
It’s great to draw inspiration from the internet. That’s what Instagram and blogs are for! But there is such a thing as exposing yourself to too much and inadvertently losing your own voice. You may be totally inspired by another content creator, and on a subconscious level, try to replicate what they do. My advice here is to limit what you are consuming.
3. Writing social media captions that don’t invite your readers to partake in conversation
Here’s the thing, being a blogger is not a popularity contest. It’s about building a community and appreciating your readers. So instead of writing one sentence captions or worse yet, an emoji, try to craft meaningful captions that invite your readers to have a conversation with you. Your community is everything, so make sure you focus on getting to know them. And while we’re at it, try your best to respond back to comments or at least ‘like’ them.
4. Buying followers
This one’s a no-brainer. I started my Instagram at a time when buying followers wasn’t really a thing. However, this has clearly changed. Of course, bloggers who’ve been around for a while sometimes choose this route too, but new bloggers may be tempted to do it to keep up. Just know that it’s a terrible idea because brands and PR aren’t dumb, and you risk getting a very poor reputation. Not to mention, your peers will most definitely know, and therefore you will ostracize yourself and lose out on making life-long friendships.
5. Trying to be everything to everyone
Find your niche, but don’t try to be an expert on everything. I’m not saying focus on just ONE area if you’re more multi-faceted than that. What I’m saying is if your interests are travel and food, don’t try to also be an expert on fashion, fitness, beauty, etc. Figure out what you’re most passionate about, and share that with your audience.
Fellow bloggers: if you’ve been at it for a while, what are some things you wish you knew before starting?
Photography by Nanor Zinzalian
Very informative post for the beginners, indeed! What I was told when I started out as a blogger and which I still strongly believe in is to have a quality content and to be consistent. I am abiding by the same.
These are things bloggers should avoid for sure. I feel like you just just be yourself, and make it interesting, and organically grow.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Sif!
Very good advise for beginners and reminders for us who are already blogging.
I wish I had known some of these things when I started – so great that you made a post to help
Uh there are so many things I wish I had known! Haha but you have some great points. I still find myself saying yes too often, not to things I don’t actually genuinely love, but more just that I end up with more work on my plate than I probably need and can at times feel stressed to get it all done smoothly and in time. It always works out, but haha I do stress a little all the same. There’s a lesson there!
xx Jenelle
Great tips as always babe! Especially not looking at what everyone else is doing! Xx
I completely agree with everything you say here
Filipa xxx
PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram
Great tips dear, and I couldn’t agree more, especially on number 2. Indeed, there are trends, but make sure it fits you too, and you really like it before you actually wear it.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com