It’s no secret that I love mornings. Obviously I wasn’t born this way. In university, I would never take a class that started before noon because I couldn’t wake up on time. But over time, I learned that the secret to becoming a morning person is to have a solid morning routine.
I feel like mornings set the tone for the day. Which is why it’s so important to have a routine that sets you up for success. On days where I scroll through Instagram first thing or don’t make time to meditate, I notice I’m just not on my A-game.
My morning routine has a few non-negotiables which includes meditation, gratitude (I use the Five Minute Journal), and morning pages. But I’m always looking for ways to improve and really optimize my morning. A little while back, I read the book ‘Miracle Morning’ by Hal Elrod, in which one of the protocols for the perfect morning is saying affirmations out loud.

I was first introduced to the concept of affirmations through The Five Minute Journal. There’s a section where you write down positive affirmations. This could be anything you know to be true about yourself, or something you are aspiring to be. For example, you can write ‘I am loving and kind’. Or, if you’re working towards a goal, you can write ‘I am financially abundant’. The options are endless, it’s a really personal thing.
Hal Elrod’s version of affirmations is a little more specific and long-form than The Five Minute Journal. Basically, you write down a couple of sentences about your purpose for each facet of your life. For example, it can be something like ‘I’m committed to my health and am the kind of person that goes to the gym 5 days a week’. The more specific, the better. I have an affirmation for each of the following:
- my overarching life purpose
- finances
- health
- relationship
- productivity
- business
When I first saw the concept of affirmations in The Five Minute Journal, I didn’t think it could possibly make a difference in my life. I mean, scribbling down words in a journal could help me become the kind of person I wanted to be? There was no way. But it did. Looking back at my old journals, I see the affirmations I’d write, and they really have moulded me into who I am today.

Call me woo-woo, but the reality is that we are what we expose ourselves to. For example, if you’re around really toxic people all the time, you’ll slowly become that. Or if you’re constantly exposing yourself to negative media, you’ll feel emotionally drained. And the converse is also true. Surround yourself with go-getters, and that energy will rub off on you. Read feel-good books, and you’ll feel uplifted. Ever notice how amped up you feel after attending a concert or high-energy workout class or hanging out with a friend who’s just super positive?
Affirmations are the same thing. However, instead of looking for positive reinforcement externally, you create it for yourself. It’s a daily reminder to yourself about your goals, aspirations, and who you want to be. And if you like Tony Robbins, you’ll know his infamous words – ‘where focus goes, energy flows’.

Honestly, positive thinking is everything. I never used to believe in it until I made a conscious effort to try it and saw the effects firsthand. And affirmations are just an extension of that.
Do you guys use affirmations? I’d love to hear!
PS – if you’re into morning routines, check out this post on everything you need to know about bulletproof coffee and 8 self-care tricks to make your mornings better.