Picture this: you’re at your favourite cafe. Your senses are delighted by the aroma of fresh beans first thing in the morning. You’ve ordered your favourite coffee beverage. You’re basking in bliss, minding your own business, when your annoying friend/significant other/mom/co-worker tells you “coffee is bad for you”. Like be honest, how tempted are you to throw the rest of your steaming hot coffee in their face, and demand that they buy you a new one?
Guys, I’ve been there. Some asshole lecturing me about coffee. And the worst part is, when I ask why they think coffee is bad, they can’t really tell me. It’s always the same: “Oh I read somewhere…”, “but JLo gave up coffee…”. But no clear cut answer as to why they think coffee is so terrible for you.
Okay, so I won’t write an article on why coffee is good or bad for you because quite frankly, it depends on the research you’ve done and what you choose to believe. There’s TONS of research on both sides, and having read as many nutrition books I can get my hands on, my conclusion is that coffee is good for you when consumed in moderation. I don’t get jittery unless I have 3 cups, and on most days, I don’t have more than 1 cup of coffee.

But I digress. If you love coffee like I do, I have an easy hack to boost its health benefits. It’s simple. Add cinnamon. You guys, I’m telling you, if you don’t do this already, your life is about to be changed. Here are some of the benefits:
- Cinnamon helps your brain process information better by boosting its ability to process glucose. So on days when you’re having coffee because you’re tired, cinnamon will help you focus and bang out your work.
- It neutralizes the acidity in coffee.
- It’s super rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.
- It stabilizes insulin, which stops blood sugar crashes. That means you won’t be reaching for snacks.
- You can say bye to bacterial infections thanks to cinnamon’s antifungal/antibacterial properties.
Honestly, the list goes on. Literally it’s the easiest way to both do ‘harm reduction’ when it comes to coffee, while also making it significantly healthier. Plus, it tastes amazing. The flavours complement each other so well.

GTG, I’m going to go finish the rest of my delicious cinnamon-y Bulletproof Coffee.
PS – check out what happened when I did a 3 week cleanse and my fitness journey.